


Middle school students joined our company as a part of career experience last week. They have experienced practical hans-on activities such as E-commerce order fulfillment, contact to customers and some research for VR.  We hope they got valuable experience that they normally can not see.


デジタルハリウッド大学で開催された「SXSWedu2017報告会〜EdTech JAPANの挑戦〜」に参加させていただきました。日本の教育を変えるために様々な挑戦をされているEdTech Japan。共感することばかりで、多くの刺激をいただけました!トークセッションもとても深い内容で楽しいイベントでした。


I have joined "SXSWedu 2017 breafing session" at Digital Hoollywood University.  EdTech Japan is the team in order to challenge to change the Japanese education field. Their vision is sooo cool and I deeply understand a lot of their activities. The talk sessions were also great and fun!


最新のマーケティング事情に触れ情報収集をすべく、WebマーケティングEXPO 2017に行ってきました。

Just wen to see "Web marketing EXPO 2017" in order to catch the latest marketing and related information. The most intersting marketing tools was from Israel. The world leading start-up borning country with great technology.  They are far abvanced than us on the web and tech field so it was good opportunity to get the beneficial information.


